A NEW Forest parish council whose council tax precept soared by 66% has been accused of “bad financial management” at a public meeting.
A Dorset police officer has been found guilty of misconduct and given a final written warning after he cut the earrings off three female recruits.
Fast-car lovers have a series of ‘Simply’ rallies at Beaulieu Motor Museum to look forward to this summer, featuring an impressive line-up.
A new eating disorder day service for young people in Hampshire has been officially launched by Southern Health NHS Foundation
When Kim Hughes first started practising yoga she would get to the class 45 minutes early just so she could bag a mat at the back of the room.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago
A New Milton swimming teacher who nearly drowned as a child is pleading for more instructors to come forward to fill a growing shortage.
A woman celebrating her 107th birthday says reaching her impressive age is down to being a lifelong vegetarian.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago
A free tea dance is set to be held in New Milton next month to raise awareness of dementia.
There’s claws for celebration at the New Forest Wildlife Park with its latest arrivals – a pair of Scottish wildcats.
A motorcyclist told an inquest how he saw a “flash of red” before a 90-year-old woman on a mobility scooter pulled straight out in front of him.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago.
A shop assistant who foiled a robbery on her store is to be recommended for a bravery award by a judge who jailed the would-be thief.
A May Day parade which celebrated the New Forest and was last held in the 1860s is being revived this year.
A leading hospitality group has taken over Lymington’s White Hart pub with plans to give it a multimillion-pound makeover.
Anyone with broken items can visit Repair Café at Ringwood in April.
A plan to build up to 150 homes on fields at Marchwood has been given the green light despite villagers’ concerns about flooding and overdevelopment.
Students of Stagecoach Performing Arts in Totton got a taste of the West End when they appeared on the stage of His Majesty's Theatre.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago