A couple who took over a pub in December have had to leave it less than three months later due to flooding and a row over work to prevent damage.
Saints legend Matt Le Tissier and the ‘Teddy Bear Ladies’ from TV’s The Repair Shop will be making a joint appearance in Lymington next week.
A horrified mum who had her car vandalised with an offensive word across the bonnet is appealing for information.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago
A former Arnewood schoolgirl who went on to become Ms Great Britain is launching the Dorset heat of the famous competition.
A 50% RATE is to be levied on empty properties in the New Forest district.
A fundraising page has been set up to pay for urgent medical treatment needed for two dogs dumped at the side of the road.
A New Forest man downloaded nearly 2,000 indecent pictures of children being sexually abused – some newborns – over a period of six years.
A Highcliffe hotel will feature on TV this week battling three other B&Bs in popular reality show Four in a Bed.
A Christchurch family are thrilled after their beloved English toy terrier scooped Best in Breed at Crufts.
A charity shop worker took his own life himself after “struggling” with mental health when his landlord gave him notice to quit his home of 10 years.
A public path which runs across a civic centre car park could stop its impending sale, it has been claimed.
A mother who had a rock thrown through her kitchen window has posted pictures of the suspected culprits.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago
The man at the centre of a row over a Highcliffe woodland says the parish can have it – for a price.
A run-down town centre house that’s listed for just £1 is attracting “huge interest” according to the estate agent.
Milford is mourning the loss of two well-known sisters who have been described as “pillars of village life”.
An “incredibly brave” Jordan Chiedozie has revealed his playing days as a footballer are over after he suffered life-changing injuries in a car crash.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago
Residents in Highcliffe are celebrating after BCP Council turned down another application to develop contentious woodland in the town.