What was making the headlines in the A&T 25, 50 and 75 years ago.
A New Milton man with a history of violence launched a “barbaric” attack on a couple – trying to gouge out the man’s eyes and head butting the girl.
A developer planning 155 homes at Hordle has been told to “put people before profit” despite the company pledging £900k to the local school.
A huge project to improve nature and climate resilience across 27 sites in the New Forest is finally complete.
Teenagers with mental health problems enjoyed a special prom night thanks to staff at a New Forest unit and local businesses.
After a four year search, a Lymington man has met the ‘guardian angel’ who saved his life when he severed an artery in a crash.
A rise in the number of cases of measles has prompted Hampshire County Council to remind young adults of the importance of getting vaccinated.
A new play park in Pilley was officially opened during the recently held Boldre fete.
A man stuck over five fentanyl pain killing patches on his body and took a massive overdose of drugs after blowing £1,000 in the bookies.
A lesson in how to deal with people with autism was given to Morebus employees by the charity Autism Unlimited.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25, 50 and 75 years ago.
Brockenhurst chippy celebrating 40 years in business
An appeal against the refusal to demolish a house in Dibden Purlieu and replace it with 25 homes has been submitted by developers.
A couple who are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary have been together since they were just 15 and 16 years old.
A prescribed cookery course run by chef Natasha Beatty has been so successful it secured £15,000 funding from South West Railway for another year.
Friends who walked and cycled between three of the highest mountains in England in one day raised over £2,000 for Oakhaven hospice.
A drunken yob threatened to kill a terrified family in one of a series of incidents told to a police beat sergeant in a public meeting in Lymington.
Well-known director of the Lymington removal company was “unstinting” in his work for the community until his final days.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25, 50 and 75 years ago.
A woman who was sexually abused when she was just 10 has revealed how she has since tried to kill herself three times and suffers night terrors.