A New Milton school has taken home a top gong at a nationwide awards do for independent educators.
A project to protect around 3,800 homes along the coast from Hurst Spit to Christchurch from flooding has been adopted by BCP Council.
A school manager has praised her staff for “completely turning around” Pennington Village Pre-School after an Ofsted report found it was failing.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago
Staff at Lymington’s Urgent Treatment Centre have been lauded as providing “exceptional care” in a report rating its service as ‘outstanding’.
A police officer revealed an invite to 140 New Forest retailers to join a ‘Shop Watch’ scheme to combat shoplifters had received only six replies.
Historical items from the old Museum of Electricity in Christchurch are being offered to the community.
Controversial plans to demolish two houses on Highcliffe seafront and replace them with two blocks of flats have been resubmitted.
A primary school in Highcliffe has been told by Ofsted inspectors it must improve how some subjects are being taught.
Students from Arnewood school are celebrating being chosen from hundreds of schools across the UK to perform Frozen the Musical.
A teenage girl who was seriously injured after falling off a balcony while on holiday in Majorca is back home in the UK and recovering well.
Tiny babies in war torn Ukraine are receiving bootees, caps, gloves and toys knitted by people in the New Forest.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago
An ‘Evening of Pink’ has been organised by a Ringwood mum battling an aggressive form of cancer in aid of a charity which has been supporting her.
A 95-year-old is “thrilled” that beautiful clothes she made out of parachute silk in the Second World War are going on display at the RAF Museum.
Rogue traders repeatedly threatened to hurt a woman trying to protect her elderly father from being scammed, a police meeting has heard.
Free public Wi-Fi is coming to Christchurch town centre, with a former mayor saying it will “slowly die” without it.
Residents at flats in Highcliffe have designed a top floor for the building.
Two parks in New Milton have been given a revamp, including new seating areas, improved footpaths and new planting to encourage wildlife.
A “not very romantic” proposal led to a marriage that has lasted 65 years for a Pennington couple.