08 November 2019
Wayne Hernandez will perform the hits of Marvin Gaye Competition closed A TRIBUTE show dedicated to legendary Motown singer Marvin Gaye will be at Christchurch…
07 November 2019
Milton Musical Society will perform a medley of hits from its last 10 shows Competition closed A CELEBRATION of some of the best loved Broadway and West…
01 November 2019
Win tickets with your A&T newspaper to see an Audience With Simon Reeve Competition closed SIMON REEVE, world renowned travel journalist, TV presenter…
31 October 2019
Win tickets to see the Legendary Bay City Rollers Competition closed BAY City Rollers fans are promised a night to remember as band icon Les McKeown relives…
23 October 2019
Shakespears Sister are back together after 25 years Competition closed ROCK legends Shakespears Sister are set to play Bournemouth Pavilion next month…
18 October 2019
The Glenn Miller Orchestra Competition closed STRIKE up the big band, the Glenn Miller Orchestra is set to swing into Christchurch next month with a concert…
11 October 2019
Highcliffe Charity Players will appear in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats THE feline musical sensation Cats is set to delight audiences at Christchurch Regent…
05 October 2019
Mountainbiking champion Greg Minnaar Competition closed MOUNTAINBIKING superstar and downhill racer Greg Minnaar is set to entertain Christchurch Regent…
04 October 2019
Children's favourite Tom Gates will be at the Mayflower Competition closed INSPIRED by the best-selling children’s books, Tom Gates Live will be at Southampton…
27 September 2019
Some Like It Hip Hop is coming to the Mayflower in Southampton Competition closed PHYSICAL theatre, comedy and dance will combine as the smash-hit show…
18 September 2019
Globe-trotting tribute band The Zoots are set to return to Christchurch next month Competition closed AFTER playing gigs around the globe, tribute band…
13 September 2019
BBC film critic Mark Kermode will appear with the Dodge Brothers Competition closed SKIFFLE band the Dodge Brothers with be joined by acclaimed composer…
06 September 2019
Motown the Musical will visit Southampton Mayflower next month Competition closed THE dazzling West End hit show Motown The Musical will be at Southampton…
31 August 2019
Regent Rep are set to perform the British comedy One Man, Two Guvnors Competition closed THE in-house production company of the Regent Centre will perform…
30 August 2019
Christchurch Gilbert and Sullivan Society are set to perform The Gondoliers Competition closed ONE of the most popular Gilbert and Sullivan operas, The…
16 August 2019
Pick up your A&T for the Calendar Girls The Musical competition Competition closed FOLLOWING a critically acclaimed season in London’s West End, Calendar…
09 August 2019
Fame will be at Bournemouth Pavilion ahead of a West End run Competition closed A DAZZLING 30th anniversary production of Fame is set to appear at Bournemouth…
02 August 2019
British Touring Car Championship racer Matt Neal of Team Dynamics Honda Civic leads the way at Thruxton Competition closed HAMPSHIRE’S Thruxton circuit,…
02 August 2019
Avenue Q will call at Southampton Mayflower later in August Competition closed PUPPETRY and comedy will collide when the award-winning musical Avenue…
28 July 2019
Saturday Night Fever will be at Southampton Mayflower Competition closed A MUSICAL based on the hit movie Saturday Night Fever is set to arrive at Southampton’s…