08 March 2019
Elspeth Moore (5) THE parents of a five-year-old who died at home from a burst appendix after being wrongly diagnosed in hospital with a bad stomach bug…
06 March 2019
Lymington market dates back to the 1250s and is held in the High Street every Saturday A BUS service is being reinstated with £16,000 of public subsidy…
04 March 2019
Lymington and Pennington Town Council ground staff with mayor Cllr Barry Dunning in 2016 LYMINGTON will not be winning a coveted In Bloom award this year…
03 March 2019
Pylewell House near Lymington THE beautiful and historic Pylewell Park has relaunched itself as a weddings and events venue, and with its stunning sea…
02 March 2019
From left outside the Woodside pavilion are Cllr John Olliff-Cooper and Cllr Alan Penson with former LSA directors Mark Seamer, Sally Steggell and Simon…
02 March 2019
Potter Jules Carpenter with Basics Bank volunteer Trina Hart LOCAL potters have created 100 handmade soup bowls that will be sold at venues around…
01 March 2019
Celebrating the launch, from left, Sir Desmond Swayne MP, Lord Montagu, Cllr Anne Corbridge, chairman Don Mackenzie and Cllr Andrew Sutherland OVER 70…
01 March 2019
Lymington New Forest Hospital houses the minor injuries unit and an out-of-hours GP surgery A PRIVATE company has won the contract to run Lymington hospital’s…
28 February 2019
David Martin (left), of BHG Marine, shakes hands on the acquisition deal with director and co-owner of Berthon Boat Company, Dominic May, with David's…
27 February 2019
S & J Shellfish at Lymington POPULAR family-run Lymington seafood business S & J Shellfish Ltd was forced to shut for a day after overnight raiders…
26 February 2019
Setley Pond, off Jealous Lane at Battramsley, near Lymington PARAMEDICS and police rushed to Setley Pond in the New Forest after a man was found dead…
20 February 2019
Alan Frankcom, from Lymington, leaving Southampton Crown Court A JURY foreman who caused a high-profile kidnap trial to collapse after he researched the…
19 February 2019
The Six Bells in St Thomas Street, Lymington, shortly after it opened in 2013 A TROUBLEMAKER drunkenly hurled racist abuse and obscenities at two door…
15 February 2019
Hampshire Police said “an investigation is underway" AN assisted suicide probe has been launched by police after the body of a 94-year-old man was found…
15 February 2019
Elayne Braime, from Lymington, preparing to run the London Marathon BRAVE Elayne Braime is running the Virgin Money London Marathon just a year after…
15 February 2019
Hampshire Lord Lieutenant Nigel Atkinson (center) with Cllr Anna Rostand (5th from left) with Lymington Community Association members A RECEPTION has…
15 February 2019
Strictly Lymington contestants and Professional Dancers STRICTLY Lymington dance competition has raised more than £2,000 in support of Lymington Community…
15 February 2019
The CAB advice office LYMINGTON’S Citizens Advice branch is appealing for people to get in touch with stories about how they have been helped by the service…
08 February 2019
Dave Robinson patrols the crossing outside Lymington Junior School “I just thought my son is going to die.” These are the words of a shocked mother after…
08 February 2019
The emergency took place at Lymington ferry terminal A CREW member who reportedly fell down the stairs on board one of Wightlink’s ferries resulted in…