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From Our Files: Gardens to let...stabilising Highcliffe...town traffic solutions

Two people were slightly hurt in an accident in Old Milton on Monday this week when a Rolls-Royce was in collision with a parking sign and a telegraph pole.

The driver of the car was injured on the nose and over one eye. Her ten year old daughter was taken to Boscombe hospital for mouth injuries.

It is understood that the vehicle’s automatic transmission was a contributing cause to the accident.

From Our Files, week 48, 25 years ago: Two people were slightly hurt in an accident in Old Milton on Monday this week when a Rolls-Royce was in collision with a parking sign and a telegraph pole. The driver of the car was injured on the nose and over one eye. Her 10-year-old daughter was taken to Boscombe hospital for mouth injuries. It is understood the vehicle’s automatic transmission was a contributing cause to the accident
From Our Files, week 48, 25 years ago: Two people were slightly hurt in an accident in Old Milton on Monday this week when a Rolls-Royce was in collision with a parking sign and a telegraph pole. The driver of the car was injured on the nose and over one eye. Her 10-year-old daughter was taken to Boscombe hospital for mouth injuries. It is understood the vehicle’s automatic transmission was a contributing cause to the accident


THE Borough Council Allotments Committee are to consider a suggestion arising from a question that as some council house tenants are unable, or unwilling, to cultivate their gardens whether it might be possible to let these out as allotments.

The town clerk pointed out that quite a few old people in council houses are not physically capable of carrying out the work and might be willing to let the gardens in return for a few vegetables.

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A DAUGHTER pleaded with Lymington magistrates not to fine her mother for allowing her dog to foul the pavement.

She told the court that her mother was a war widow and could not afford the £2 fine they had imposed.

The daughter said her mother also did not realise she had committed an offence. The fine was reduced to 10s.

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AT a meeting held this week New Forest Trades Council has decided to become a corporate branch of the United Nations Association.

The federation then discussed the protection of the optical health of the people by eliminating the sale of spectacles by chain stores, or otherwise, than through a qualified optician,


WITH the death of Reg Hickman, of Fritham, at the age of 79 the Forest has a countryman of a type that is fast disappearing.

All his life he lived in Fritham and seldom left. His knowledge of country affairs and memories of the past made him a pleasure to know.

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AT a meeting at Lymington community centre Lord Caradon, former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and UK representative at United Nations said that after having 15 years in the Middle East it seemed to him that the only hope for settlement of the present conflict was to convene a peace conference preferably in the impartial atmosphere of a neutral city such as Geneva.

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CHRISTCHURCH Council is to try to get the Department of the Environment to increase their grant towards the Highcliffe stabilisation scheme.

The Council have been told that of the total estimated cost of £190,741 the department will make a grant of £70,450 about 37% leaving a net burden on the local rate of an estimated £7,500 a year over 20 years.

A grant of about 43% had been hoped for, which would have meant the payment of some £750 less.


PROPOSALS to tackle the acute traffic problems in Christchurch town centre are going on display so residents can have their say.

The plans form part of a package of proposals by the highway authorities in a joint bid for government funds.

They include making Bridge Street and Castle Street one way except for buses and cyclists; restricting all through traffic from using the Priory Quarter area; signal control of the Fountain and Stony Lane roundabouts.

There is also a suggestion of a special lane on the by-pass for buses and cars with more than two people.

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A TALL sensor worth £50 has been stolen from outside sheltered accommodation in Sea Road, Milford-on-Sea.

Police are looking for a tall person in connection with the theft – the sensor was seven feet off the ground.

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CHARLIE DIMMOCK from BBC’s gardening force is to judge this year’s Christmas carnival at New Milton and will also join in the procession.

Organised by the Lions Club its theme is ‘Music Through the Decades’. Father Christmas will also be making an appearance in his sleigh.

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