Expansion plans for jet fuel storage at Bournemouth Airport have been approved amid an expected increase in flights.
A Lymington woman who badly injured an elderly pedestrian after a collision with her vehicle has been banned from driving for three years.
Plans to introduce parking fees at Forestry England car parks should be subject to roundtable talks with commoners, Verderers’ Court told.
A church Good Friday event, an inflatable assault course, and a treasure-hunting facility were granted land use in New Milton.
The range of EVs has improved drastically. If you’re racking up the miles, here are the cars for the shortlist.
A passer-by captured the dramatic moment flames erupted from a car before spreading to two others in “chaotic scenes” near the centre of Lyndhurst.
Attempting to enter a Christchurch flat to steal landed a man with 12 weeks behind bars.
Plans to turn a stable block into a two-bedroom home have been thrown out by planners.
Lymington and Brockenhurst residents are being urged to share their memories of how the rail service between the towns enhanced their lives.
A village hall will receive a £75,000 boost from the National Lottery Community Fund to support a green initiative.
An employment development which will be a “significant economic catalyst” for part of the New Forest has cleared a key hurdle.
An academic will lift the lid on the secret messages hidden in graffiti at Winchester Cathedral during a talk at Fordingbridge Town Hall.
Sham injury claims account for the bulk of fraudulent cases detected by an insurance firm last year.
There are 13 general knowledge questions to tackle in this week’s Saturday Social