Cllr Alison Hoare is a member of New Forest District Council's Conservative administration A SENIOR councillor has denied opposition accusations that…
The First Opportunities sensory garden at Ashley Junior School was targeted by vandals A PLAYGROUP which provides support for children with special needs…
THE New Forest Runners held their 10-mile race and fun runs at the weekend with over 800 people of all ages taking part...
A 40mph precautionary speed limit applies at Holmsley bridge which is set for £5.5m repairs ONE of the main routes through the New Forest used by thousands…
Hardley Runner Natalie Green won silver in the middle-distance European championships in Romania (Photo: Transilvania) HARDLEY Runners' Natalie Green…
Will and Lizzie Bradshaw are the new landlords at the Monkey House HUSBAND and wife team Will and Lizzie Bradshaw have taken the helm at the Monkey House…
Bayview Developments Ltd sought permission for four timber homes on derelict land behind the White Horse pub A CONTROVERSIAL plan to build four houses…
LYMINGTON’S Italia Festival celebrating all things Italian saw 50 Ferraris cruise up the packed-out High Street at the town’s annual Italia Festival...
CROWDS flocked to one of the world’s biggest motoring celebrations to be overwhelmed by a display of the next generation cars and stars in Goodwood's salute to the Kings of Speed...
The event in Fordingbridge on is to make hygiene kits to send out to Ugandan girls A WORKSHOP to create hygiene kits for girls in Uganda is being held…
Police at the scene at China Chef in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst A BROCKENHURST takeaway chef died from bleeding on the brain after a "scuffle" with the…
The Custard Catwalk at Sandy Balls holiday park's 100th birthday celebrations ONE hundred years of smiles, laughter and fun were celebrated at the Sandy…
Prince Charles meets gardener Emma Bouchard, with gardener Paul Eaton and garden designer Marie-Louise Agius (right) THE Prince of Wales gave his royal…
A SOLUTION might be in sight for 45 new affordable homes in Hythe which have lain empty amid a four-year wrangle with council planners over drainage blamed for flooding neighbouring properties...
Police have closed off a stretch of High Street in Milford following the collision Additional reporting by Andrew Goldman A WOMAN in her 80s was airlifted…
A waste water treatment plant (Photo: stock image) SOUTHERN WATER has been blasted for its “unacceptable” performance protecting the environment – less…
Ballard ISA National athletics medal winners: (left to right) Theo Shaw, Jemima Chetwood, Ella Adams TWO Ballard School pupils have won gold at the Independent…
NEW FOREST District Council has been accused of squandering taxpayers’ money and blighting neighbourhoods with rental garages “left to rot”...
The scene outside Mr Hedger's Ringwood home during the aftermath of his murder A ROBBER who shot dead an advertising executive in his Ringwood mansion…
The death of 94-year-old Ralph Saxon will be investigated by the coroner AN assisted suicide probe launched by police following the discovery of a 94-year-old…