Brockenhurst Train Station TRAIN passengers are facing another day of strike action tomorrow (Saturday) after enduring mass cancellations on Monday. Members…
The Arnewood Practice in New Milton THREE GP practices are set to merge in a move which they claim will reduce waiting times for appointments and provide…
Ron Hickman with the Lotus Elan he designed AN important personal collection of drawings and documents by the designer of such classic Lotus sports cars…
75 YEARS AGO CAPTAIN Gordon Muirhead, of Marine Drive, Barton-on-Sea, has received a cablegram from his son Lieut Terence Muirhead, MC, Essex Regiment,…
Southampton FC has its training ground in Marchwood SOUTHAMPTON Football Club has launched a bid to retain training facilities on land in Marchwood that…
An computer image of the proposed development at the Redmayne site in Brockenhurst AN “eyesore” site in Brockenhurst will be transformed with a mix of…
Milford villagers protesting for more affordable homes at the School Lane site CONTROVERSIAL housing proposals on the edge of Milford could viably provide…
VANDALS have been condemned as “sick” for spraying a purple substance on animals at a farm which offers learning opportunities for young people with special needs...
Rubbish fly-tipped in the New Forest TOUGHER penalties are needed to stop the rise of fly-tipping in the New Forest, landowners have said. The latest…
Amelie Shane (9), from Sway, won in the International Dance Teachers’ Association finals TWO pupils from the Everton-based Charisma Dance Academy are…
At the dinner were (l-r) Lady Manners, the Hon. Mr Roper-Curzon of Pylewell Park, Lady Montagu, Lord Montagu, Rebecca Crosthwaite-Eyre, Aldred Drummond…
Town Quay in Lymington (Photo: Steve West) NEW pontoons and mooring facilities are set to be installed at Lymington Town Quay in a major project funded…
Volunteers were joined at the unveiling of the refurbished Burrard Neale Monument by town mayor (centre) Cllr Anne Corbridge A NEGLECTED town monument…
The former Lyndhurst Park Hotel has been allocated for 50 homes by the New Forest National Park Authority SENIOR planners at the national park authority…
Residents clocked 130 speeders in an hour on Boldre Lane A GROUP of Boldre residents who got together to combat speeding drivers clocked 130 cars going…
“HOW personal do you want this to be?” Adrian Hayes asks over the table of his untidy kitchen. It’s an unexpectedly vulnerable question from the veteran…
Fawley power station before it shut down in 2013 THE company behind nearly £1bn plans for 1,500 homes at the former Fawley power station has been accused…
Christchurch Borough Council civic offices "EXCITING" new plans for a 15-hectare coastal country park in Christchurch have been unveiled. The park would…
A MASSIVE crowd came together on Barton clifftop for a “once-in-a-generation” commemoration marking 100 years since the end of the First World War...
CARE homes across the New Forest put on their dancing shoes for a Strictly-style show to raise cash for the Children In Need appeal...