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Bloodied body of deer left lying for three days on path to Milford School

THE bloodied body of a deer was left lying for three days along a busy route to Milford school.

The roe had been hit at the junction of the A337 and B3058 on Thursday night but despite calls to New Forest District Council the carcass was left there until Saturday afternoon.

A resident who lives near the school said: “It was a horrific sight. The pathway is used constantly by children and their parents on their way to the infant school.

It's thought the deer was hit near the junction of B3058 and A337 (picture: Google)
It's thought the deer was hit near the junction of B3058 and A337 (picture: Google)

“As soon as I saw the dead deer, I called the NFDC as I thought it should be removed immediately given that children would be seeing it.

“But no one came, so I rang again. But still it was not removed.”

The resident said that on Friday the carcass was attacked by other animals and "ripped apart".

She said: “It was an awful, raw, bloody mess and a health hazard. There was blood and stuff everywhere. Walkers and cyclists use that path a lot.

It was also distracting drivers as they slowed down to look at it as they passed.

“I really feel the authorities should have moved faster to remove it after being twice alerted by the public given where it was.”

A spokesperson for NFDC said it had received two reports on Friday about the dead deer.

They said: "An officer checked the area Saturday and arranged a team to clear, which has been done.”

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