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Inquest: Joseph Dunlop from Christchurch, whose body was found at Stanpit Marsh, took his own life

A man who was an alcoholic from the age of 16 took his own life after suffering a relapse following successfully not drinking for nearly two years.

Joseph Dunlop (38), from Monkswell Green, Christchurch, was said by his mother to have been addicted to alcohol since a teenager and as a result had had periods of being homeless.

In a statement to Bournemouth Coroners’ Court, Katharine Taylor told how Joseph had stayed with her off and on at her home in London but that he had been “an alcoholic since the age of 16 and lived on the streets in Bournemouth sometimes”.

The inquest was held at Bournemouth Coroners' Court
The inquest was held at Bournemouth Coroners' Court

Describing her son as “loving and caring” and someone who “loved cats”, she said that “he suffered a lot from depression” and had previously attempted suicide.

She said both her and Joseph’s father, Christopher, who lives in Ireland, had tried to help him as much as they could.

In a statement, Mr Dunlop said his son had been diagnosed as being bi-polar and he believed he “self-medicated with alcohol”.

He added that in 2020 his son had joined Alcoholics Anonymous and was “doing very well”. But in Easter last year he noticed Joseph had “declined mentally”.

He said: “Sadly it seemed to me that he suffered from mental health issues for 20 years,” adding that the return of bi-polar “seems to have been too much of a burden”.

A close friend Joseph had made at AA said in a statement that Joseph was “always happy, always laughing” when he knew him, but that eight weeks before his death he had “got dark with what he shared at meetings at AA”.

The two men were planning a holiday to Poland in the months before his death, which included a visit to a shooting range.

He said Joseph had then “mentioned using one of the guns there to kill himself” but had subsequently said he would not do it, and they had visited the range without incident.

But on their return he started “isolating” himself and the friend said he believed Joseph had started drinking again and had stopped taking prescribed anti-depressants.

He said he and other AA friends had “tried to reach out” to help him.

The friend last saw Joseph at a meeting on the 3rd August 2023 and, worried about the “scary” things Joseph had said during it, followed him outside to try to speak to him.

The friend also sent him WhatsApp messages, as did other AA members, but Joseph did not respond.

On 12th August a man walking his dog on Stanpit Marsh, Christchurch, came across Joseph’s body at 7.15am. He had hanged himself.

Paramedics were called to the scene but he was already dead, and was identified by a driving licence he had on him.

A post-mortem revealed he had died of asphyxia.

Recording a verdict of suicide area coroner Brendan Allen said that, according to statements from his doctor, Joseph had previously taken three overdoses and had been on anti-depressants for a long time.

Mr Allan said it was unclear when Joseph had taken his life, but added: “He had been expressing suicidal thoughts. I am satisfied nobody else was involved in his death.”

He offered his condolences to Joseph’s friends and family.

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