Ringwood junior doctor Tom Rawling in all-day litter-pick for Stand Against Motor Neurone charity
A DOCTOR took on a dawn-to-dusk litter-pick around Ringwood to support research into a muscle-wasting condition afflicting his stepbrother.
Tom Rawling was inspired to take up the challenge by Sam Perkins, who was diagnosed in 2019 with motor neurone disease (MND) at the age of just 37.
To collect the money, Tom carried out a marathon litter-pick after seeing Sam’s own fundraising efforts.
Tom (31), who lives in Ringwood, described how the condition had affected his stepbrother: “He was a super fit person who used to compete in triathlons.
“He started to develop weakness in his chest which doctors initially thought was pneumonia but it was eventually diagnosed as being MND.
“It has been devastating for him and his wife Emma. But Sam is very positive and does as much as he can.
“He has a powered wheelchair and a ventilator which enables him to travel.”
Tom added: “I collected 17 bags of rubbish which I found astounding. Most of it was cans of lager and discarded vape cartridges. I also found a pair of pants!”
Tom has managed to raise £430 and said he intended to keep fundraising for Sam: “I’d like to do some sort of long-distance challenge next. Litter-picking felt a bit lazy!”
The money will go to Stand Against Motor Neurone – a charity set up after his diagnosis by Sam, who lives in Nottingham.
It directs donations towards research and hospices which care for people with MND.
MND is a degenerative neurological condition which affects motor neurones – nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control the body’s ability to talk, move and breathe.
Sam was initially given a prognosis of just two years, so when he beat that by reaching his 40th birthday he celebrated by challenging 40 people to raise £500 each by his 41st birthday.
He even took part in a team fundraising event himself. Entitled One Last Tri, it involved one person swimming 1.2 miles while towing a kayak holding 100kg to represent Sam’s bodyweight.
His stepfather Nick, who introduced Sam to triathlons in 2009, undertook a 56-mile bike ride, followed by team members including Tom pushing Sam for five laps of a half-marathon.
Tom, who is a junior doctor at Dorchester hospital, was part of the team pushing Sam and decided to follow it up with the litter-pick around Ringwood.
To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/tom-rawling1