People eligible for a Covid-19 or flu vaccination are being reminded it’s not too late to come forward amid rising levels of illness.
A Ringwood man who became a compulsive gambler and shopper after being prescribed a medication has received a £70,000 settlement from his GP.
A New Forest mental health unit which helps people learn to live independently is set to be replaced by a ‘recovery house’ for those in crisis.
A care service in Christchurch was praised by watchdog the Care Quality Commission for treating people with respect and making them feel safe.
Lymington’s St Barbe Museum has won a government award for its “exemplary” work with families in need.
Southern Water has been blasted for its handling of an ongoing outage which is affecting thousands of homes, including parts of the New Forest.
Fees at five district council-owned leisure centres are to be hiked from next year despite concerns over the impact to users.
A care home in New Milton is in need of improvement after inspectors found breaches relating to safe care and treatment, staffing and consent.
Plans to hike fees at five district council-owned leisure centres have been backed by cabinet members.
Dame Esther Rantzen said she was “absolutely thrilled” with the result of last Friday’s historic vote for assisted dying.
New Forest MP Sir Julian Lewis was one of a few today given the chance to have a say on assisted dying before the vote in the House of Commons.
A new allergy centre which provides bespoke, multidisciplinary services has opened in Ringwood.
Fees at five district council-owned leisure centres must be hiked to avoid cutbacks in services, staffing levels or opening hours.
A New Forest village is launching its first festive light trail to raise funds for the local doctors’ surgery.