Shorefield Country Park resubmits plans for entertainment area but drops music stage after outrage from Milford residents
A Milford holiday park has resubmitted plans for a new entertainment area after axing a previous application in the wake of a furious backlash from local residents
As reported by the A&T, Shorefield Country Park was accused earlier this year of trying to turn the site into a “Butlins-style resort” in its plans for a stage, outdoor screen, elevated seating, event lighting and bar. It also proposed a waterpark, mini golf course and play area.
Others said it was trying to become a “mini festival site” with one nearby neighbour complaining it would be an “absolute nightmare” adding that they had already experienced “rowdy” park visitors and “guests who already scream in the middle of the night after getting drunk”.
Milford Parish Council was also against the application alleging that “the many controversial elements of the proposal if agreed would destroy the peace and tranquillity that holiday makers and the local community enjoy.”
It added: “The increased traffic, excessive lighting and noise will have an adverse impact on owners of lodges and caravans within Shorefield Country Park, holiday makers and residents on Milford-on-Sea.”
Shorefield withdrew the plans the following month amid more than 180 objections received.
Now the park has returned with a second similar application to New Forest District Council, dropping the outdoor stage. The central entertainment area would still feature a splash pad, nine-hole mini golf, children’s play park and a multi-use games area (muga).
In a plan and access statement, Avison Young – a global real estate advisor – said: “The proposed changes to the central facilities area of Shorefield Country Park seek to make this part of the site more inviting and user friendly for the holiday makers visiting the park.
“It seeks to drastically improve and redevelop the central facilities area.”
The company said Shorefield, which has had the site since 1958, also wanted to extend the outside terrace of the existing bar and café and add extra seating. These areas will be open only from 9am to 9.30pm.
It also said that a noise survey had shown levels from the improved external seating area would be “at a similar level to those currently experienced by nearby houses”.