Andy Martin of Christchurch Independents elected to BCP Council to represent Highcliffe and Walkford following byelection
THE new representative for Highcliffe and Walkford on BCP Council has been confirmed as Andy Martin of the Christchurch Independents group.
As reported in the A&T, the byelection was held yesterday (Thursday) following the death in July of Cllr Nick Geary, also of the Christchurch Independents group.
Cllr Martin won the election with 1,778 votes.
Pete Brown for the Liberal Democrats received 571 votes, Christopher Van Hagen for the Conservatives had 358 and David Stokes for Labour 163.
A spokesperson for BCP Council said the turnout was 33.22%.
The council has 76 seats representing 33 wards. Currently, the Conservatives are a minority administration with 37 members.
The Liberal Democrats hold 13 seats and the Christchurch Independents six.
Poole Independents and Poole Local hold five council seats each and Bournemouth Independent and Green holds four seats.
Labour holds three seats, with another two held by unaligned members and one seat open, pending the byelection in Highcliffe & Walkford.
Cllr Martin will have to defend his position in the subsequent local elections being held for the whole of BCP Council next May.