Latest New Forest District Council planning applications and decisions
THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 25th October 2024:
Demolish existing conservatory and replace with single-storey rear extension, single-storey front extension, fenestration alterations, detached shed to the front of the property, 7 Hayward Court, Holbury, Mr Pando.
Temporary use of land for storage and distribution (use class B8), Land at former Fawley Power Station, Fawley Road, Fawley Waterside Limited.
End of terrace dwelling, 22 Newlands Close, Blackfield, Terrill Properties Limited trading as TB Homes.
Erection of a machinery shed for storing garden machinery (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Arnewood, Broadmead, Mr and Mrs Gozney.
Construction of garden room outbuilding, removal of existing shed, Pine Trees House, Cottagers Lane, Naylor.
The erection of a detached gym building (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Arnewood, Broadmead, Mr and Mrs Gozney.
Hythe and Dibden
Single-storey side extension to service station shop, Dibden Purlieu Service Station, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu, Tesco PLC.
New windows at second floor level, roof alterations to provide additional rooflights, 9 Velsheda Court, Hythe Marina Village, Mr and Mrs Payne.
Lymington and Pennington
Replacement single-storey centre cafe and kitchen with solar panels on roof, demolition of existing (application for listed building consent), Lymington Community Centre, 18 New Street, The Lymington Community Association.
Rebuilding of structurally unsound lean-to side extension, removal of central flue, fenestration alterations including new rooflights, new fence, Coach House rear of Palamos House, 66-67 High Street, Ms Small.
Rebuilding of structurally unsound lean-to side extension, replacement of the timber single glazed casements with double glazed timber casements, rooflights to rear, removal of modern bathroom partitions, replacement flooring at ground floor level, removal of central flue on rear roof-slope, fence, fenestration alterations (application for listed building consent), Coach House repair of Palamos House, 66-67 High Street, Ms Small.
Rear extension, replacement outbuilding, Mini Mead, 18 Stanley Road, Mr and Mrs Julius.
Single-storey extension to north of house following removal of conservatory, replacement terrace balustrade, fenestration alterations, Hollybush House, Ashley Lane, Mrs Pease.
Single-storey extension, demolition of existing single-storey extension, alterations to existing porch to form shower room including addition of insulation, fenestration alterations, replacement thatching, internal alterations, (application for listed building consent), Downlands Cottage, Martin Road, Mark Walker Design and Projection Management.
Extending existing upper terrace and decking the area including a frameless glass balustrade, 4 Needles Point, Mrs Fletcher.
Use of land for open storage, storage containers and vehicles (lawful use certificate for retaining an existing use or operation), Forest Farm, Barnes Lane, Mrs Crawford.
Side and rear extensions, dormer in association with formation of first floor accommodation, rooflights, demolition of existing garage and conservatory, 68 Swallow Drive, Mr and Mrs Bigmore.
New Milton
Side and rear extension to form maisonette, 57 and 59 Ashley Road, Mr Sheppard.
Rear extension and removal of existing garage, 58 Hazelwood Avenue, Frampton.
Erection of a detached garage, Site of Boundary Cottage, 272 Christchurch Road, Mr Matthes.
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 21/10717 to allow revised window and door openings, Sabines, Ringwood Road, Avon, Avon Tyrrell Farms.
Totton and Eling
Erection of water tank and structure to house it, Morrisons Supermarket Car Park, Spruce Drive, Spotless Water.
Siting of a pitched roof on the existing dwelling with solar panels, single-storey rear and side extensions with a pitched roof, 18 Lackford Avenue, Mr and Mrs Prior.
Rear extension, roof alterations to accommodate extended first floor, extended chimney, removal of conservatory, fenestration alterations, 8 Warwick Road, Mr and Mrs Cook.
Lymington and Pennington
Construction of a new single-storey, oak framed garage / outbuilding, 56 and 57 High Street, Mr Davis.
Garden wall repair (application for listed building consent), 3 Quadrille Court, St Thomas Street, Mrs Haarhoff.
Detached garage to front, 4 Hightrees, Pennington, Dr Sion.
Solar panels to front roof, 63 High Street, Mr Reid.
New Milton
Erect fence and gates to boundary with Hale Gardens (retrospective), 37 Milton Grove, Mr Hutchins.
Erection of garden pergola (retrospective), 22A Old Milton Road, Mrs Lintag.
Shopfront alterations, ramp, fenestration and alterations, The Coach House, 36 Southampton Road, Burleys Home Care.
Rear and side extension to replace existing conservatory, replacement garage to incorporate workshop and home office / gym, solar panels to proposed garage, 26 Lynes Lane, Mr Spendier.
Installation of 15m of underground low voltage (LV) cable(s), section 37 consent is being sought as this is currently a single-user line which will in turn become a multi-user line, Land of Castlemans Farmhouse, Sandford, Scottish and Southern Electric.
Variation of condition 11 of planning permission 24/10163 to allow a proposed scheme of verge regrading works and to require its implementation before the approved development is first occupied, Court Farm House, Ringwood Road, Avon, Avon Tyrrell Estate.
Temporary concrete sectional garage (retrospective), 37 Marryat Way, Bransgore, Mr Malem.
Totton and Eling
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 21/10178 to increase the height of the extension and the addition of two box gutters, 35 Dickens Dell, Mr Harrison.
Request for and EIA screening opinion in respect of the erection of a 70-bedroom care home (use class C2) with associated access, parking, landscaping and ancillary facilities (screening opinion), Land adjacent to The Wheelwrights Post, Salisbury Road, Burgate, Frontier Estates Ltd.
New Milton
Stationing of mobile home for use incidental to the main dwelling (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 59 Manor Road, Mr and Mrs Bowers.
New Milton
Installation and operation of a mini battery storage unit and ancillary infrastructure, Land to the west of Christchurch Road, Downton, GridSource Ltd.
Erection of two detached dwellings, garaging, access and associated works, (outline application - access only), Land rear of 7 Fryern Court Road, Burgate, Mrs Barr.
Netley Marsh
Development of three dwellings and associated parking, Land of Brook House, Salisbury Road, Calmore, Gale Homes Ltd.
Installation of fibre optic cable to provide full fibre broadband services (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Areas of land in and around Kingston Common, Wessex Internet Ltd.
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