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Latest New Forest District Council planning applications and decisions


THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 8th November 2024:


Rear single-storey extension including adaptations to existing roof, 20 Bransgore Gardens, Mr Cockton.

Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley

Three stock ponds for fishery, moving of soil (retrospective), Linbrook Carp Fishery, Snails Lane, Blashford, Linbrook Carp Fishery.


Variation of conditions 2, 5 and 14 of planning permission 22/11388 to allow minor amendments to approved plans, an amended scheme of landscaping to avoid drainage pits and an amended drainage strategy to avoid conflicting with existing gas pipe, Land at Hardley Industrial Estate, Hardley, New Forest District Council.


Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 23/10758 to allow alterations to windows and doors on front elevations, associated amendments to condition 3 (materials), condition 5 (landscaping), condition 6 (EV charging), condition 7 (ecological enhancements) and condition 9 (water efficiency and phosphates), 28 Shaftesbury Street, Tygwin Limited.

Hythe and Dibden

Single-storey side extension, 7 Ipley Way, New Forest.

Lymington and Pennington

Fenestration alterations to dwelling, replacement outbuilding, Bridge Cottage, Bridge Road, Ms Rothwell.

Erection of a two-storey detached five-bedroom self-build dwelling with solar panels (demolition of existing), workshop, double carport, and hard and soft landscaping, The Cherry Orchard, 111A Milford Road, Pennington, Mr and Mrs Parry.

Single-storey rear extension, front and rear dormers and roof changes, 37 North Close, Mr Lulsens.

Single-storey rear extension, fenestration alterations (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 9 Leigh Park, Ms Thomas.

Amend roof structure from hip ended to gable ended to facilitate the installation of photovoltaic panels to the front south facing elevation and to assist insulating the roof (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), the Nest, St Marks Road, Pennington, Mr Laslett.

Outline application for up to 67 residential dwellings with associated access, parking, internal access roads, landscaping, open space (including alternative natural recreational greenspace), infrastructure and works (all matters reserved, except access), SS5 Land south of Milford Road, Pennington, Pennyfarthing Homes Ltd.

Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 23/10282 to allow fenestration alterations, material alterations, full balconies above main entrance changed to Juliet, path and pedestrian gate to south-east and roof and layout alterations, Former Police Station, Southampton Road, Churchill Living Ltd.


Extension to the existing water intake building, Veolia Environmental Services, Integra South West Energy Recovery Facility, Oceanic Way, Marchwood Industrial Park, Veolia ES Hampshire Ltd.


Construction of a single-storey office building (use class E(g)(i), areas of hardstanding (car park / access roads) and landscaped grounds, extension to existing barn, Land south of Sillen Lane, Natural England.

New Milton

Rear single-storey extension, front dormer window, 8 East Close, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Bowersbank. Proposed detached garage, Cleveland Close, Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Lyons.

Remove existing single-storey rear extension and covered seating area and construct a two-storey rear extension, remove existing garage and construct a new garage with covered seating area, construct a single-storey open porch, 5 Grove Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Murnaghan.

Conversion of garage to habitable space including replacement of garage door with window, removal of existing porch, fenestration alterations including rooflight (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 33 Southern Lane, Mr and Mrs Tyson.

Garage block (retrospective), Burleigh Court, 4 Southern Lane, Barton-on-Sea, Sheervargh.


Replacement of existing covered carport with extension, shingle to front of property to facilitate one parking space, 27 The Mount, Poulner, Mrs Heaver.

Demolition of conservatory and construction of single-storey rear extension, 32 Pelican Mead, Hightown, Mr and Mrs Shering.




Single-storey front extension with porch, 23 Norman Road, Blackfield, Mr Colledge and Georgia Olech.

Raising and replacement of the existing roof to create chalet bungalow with new first floor, boundary fence and gates (part retrospective), 110 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, Mrs Appel.


Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 23/10316 to allow the substitution of private house types including mix change which maintains the approved 198 home total and conversion of a number of car barns / ports to garages, SS16 Land north of Station Road, Cala Homes (Thames) Ltd.

Demolition and replacement of existing conservatory with new single-storey extension, external alterations, 57 Church Street, Ms Cheetham.

Lymington and Pennington

Two fascia signs, one hanging sign, one display sign (application for advertisement consent), 27A St Thomas Street, Oakhaven Hospice.

Replacement of signage with illuminated fascia, projecting sign, two frame acm panel, four acm panel, three vinyl acm panels, four poster cases (application for advertisement consent), One Stop Convenience Store, The Square, Pennington, One Stop Stores Ltd.

Single-storey rear and side extension, balcony, fenestration alterations including roof lantern, pergola with gas fireplace, external cladding finish, two-storey flat roof extension to front elevation (part retrospective), 10 Kingsfield, Mr Chapman.

New Milton

Part demolition and refurbishment of outbuilding, air source heat pumps, fence, Walkford Farmhouse, Walkford Lane, Peterhouse.

Refurbishment and thermal upgrade of Walkford Farm house, part demolition and refurbishment of outbuilding (application for listed building consent), Walkford Farm House, Walkford Lane, Peterhouse.

Roof extension to create first floor, 18 Cowper Avenue, Mr and Mrs Taylor.

Flat roof dormer window to the front elevation to facilitate creation of second floor, 17 The Cottages, Barton House, 2 Marine Drive, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Sargent.

Demolish existing conservatory and erect single-storey rear extension, 2 Powis Close, Mr and Mrs Uphill.


Erection of one dwelling (class C3) with associated landscaping and car parking, external alterations to existing 11-13 Meeting House Lane, 11-13 Meeting House Lane, Halo Developments UK Ltd.

Single-storey rear extension, roof extension, side dormer and rooflights to facilitate extension to first floor, 31 Highfield Drive, Mr and Mrs Moorey.

Two-storey front extension, porch canopy and fenestration alterations, 1 Frobisher Close, Poulner, Mr Nelson.


Garden room for use as home office, 52 Marryat Way, Bransgore, Mrs Malone.

Totton and Eling

Single-storey rear extension, rear dormer window, 2A Homeway Cottages, Eling Hill, Eling, Mr Spencer.

Single-storey side extension and garage conversion, fenestration alterations, 4 Goldsmith Close, Mr Houghton.


Lymington and Pennington

Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 22/10631 to allow removal of the green roof to the balcony areas on west elevation to allow access into the balconies and removal of condition 8 to allow use of balconies to the west elevations of plots 1 and 2, Land of Main Close, Yaldhurst Lane, Pennington, Forest Carpentry Ltd.

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