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Latest New Forest District Council planning applications and decisions


THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 6th December 2024:


Confirm as lawful works to complete planning permission reference 21/10462 (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Virasol, Poplar Lane, Mr and Mrs Portlock.


Hip to gable loft conversion, rear dormer, rooflights and single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 5 Alum Close, Holbury, Polaris Properties Ltd.

Single-storey rear extension, single-storey front extension and garage conversion, 14 Wheelers Walk, Blackfield, Polaris Properties Ltd.

Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 7 Bowland Way, Langley, Mr and Mrs Stovell.


Manege, Land adjacent 1 New Cottages, Bickton Lane, Bicton, Mr Bright.

Caravan with gravel drive, hardcore base for the unit to sit on (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 174 Everton Road, Mr Gossling.

Hythe and Dibden

Redevelopment of site with three terraced houses and parking, The Retreat, Whinfield Road, Dibden Purlieu, Ewin Developments Ltd.

Single-storey rear extension following removal of existing conservatory, 1 West Road, Dibden Purlieu, Mr Gallacher.

Lymington and Pennington

Erection of outbuilding (eg summer house / home office etc), incidental to the main house, Orchard House, 19 King Road, Mr Lawson.

Replacement dwelling, garden outbuilding, Wynstay, Ridgeway Lane, Mr Green.

Extension, loft conversion including dormers and rooflights, outbuilding, 22 Middle Road, Mrs Gaztanaga.

Replacement of timber sashes, draft proofing and decoration of windows (application for listed building consent), 1A Church Lane, Mr Florio.


Ground floor side and rear extensions and front porch addition, Grange Cottage, Lymore, Mr Rudd.

Change of use of attached ancillary annexe a self-contained holiday let (retrospective), 4 Rookwood, De La Warr Road, Mr Fox.

Single-storey rear extension, replacement roof structure and coverings (incorporating rooflights), alterations to external door / window openings, replacement of existing metal balustrading, addition of PV panels and sustainable energy infrastructure, 5 Needles Point, Dr Strong.

New Milton

External alterations and single-storey extension to facilitate creation of an additional one-bedroom flat (self-build), new access onto Keysworth Avenue, additional parking, cycle and bin stores, 28 Seaward Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Hill.

Proposed extension of offices at first floor level, to form additional offices and file storage rooms, external access, 43 Old Milton and 54 Crossmead Avenue, Mr Harris.

Extension to ground floor, first floor extension and roof extension to facilitate creation of first floor, 4 Chestnut Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Hollyoake.


Single-storey building filling the corner between two existing school buildings (conference centre and assembly hall) and attached to them for use as a sports changing facility, fenestration alterations to include new door to existing cafe, Ringwood School, Parsonage Barn Lane, Ringwood School Academy.

Single-storey flat roof rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposed), 31 Woodford Close, Mrs Duffy.

Partial reconstruction of rear elevation (part retrospective), 33 High Street, Curtis Banks Group Limited.


Use of existing stables as an independent dwelling with associated car parking, highway works, fenestration alterations and ancillary infrastructure, Threeways Cottage, Mr and Mrs Branagan.

Totton and Eling

Single-storey rear extension and attached carport to the side, 22 Fritham Close, Mr Ridgeon.

Single-storey rear extension, external alterations, 7 Oakmount Avenue, Mrs Shaw.




Erection of 20 dwellings and associated access, parking and landscaping, Land at Everton Nurseries, Christchurch Road, Everton, E. G. Dunford Ltd.

Hythe and Dibden

Single-storey side extension, 7 Ipley Way, New Forest District Council.

Lymington and Pennington

Single-storey rear extension with skylight, 52 Gordon Road, Pennington, Mr Lines.

Erection of single-storey rear extension, remodelling to include replacement rooflight, creation of dormer windows above garage and to rear roof, erection of carport, 41 Westfield Road, Mr Bower.

Single-storey side extension to replace existing, extend and raise roof of existing garage (removal of storage container and existing garage shed), 39 Rooks Lane, Mr and Mrs New and Parratt.

Rear extension, replacement outbuilding, Mini Mead, 18 Stanley Road, Mr and Mrs Julius.

New entrance gates and fence, 149 Southampton Road, Mr Flowers.

Single-storey extension to north of house following removal of conservatory, replacement terrace balustrade, fenestration alterations, Hollybush House, Ashley Lane, Mrs Pease.


Installation of softwood feather edge fence with gravel boards (retrospective), Ocean Wave, Westminster Road, Mr Rush.

Side and rear extensions, dormer in association with formation of first floor accommodation, rooflights, demolition of existing garage and conservatory, 68 Swallow Drive, Mr and Mrs Bigmore.

New Milton

Erect a block of 27 apartments with associated access, parking and landscaping, demolition of the existing building (revised scheme), Former Becton Centre, The Fairway, Barton-on-Sea, AJC Group.

Provision of electric vehicle charging bays and associated works, Car Park rear of Natwest Bank, Ashley Road, Swarco Smart Changing Ltd.

Rear extension and removal of existing garage, 58 Hazelwood Avenue, Mr Frampton.

Single-storey rear extension to provide for a disabled member of the household, 23 Barton Lane, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Murphy.

Garage block (retrospective), Burleigh Court, 4 Southern Lane, Barton-on-Sea, Sheervargh Construction.


Replacement of two front elevation windows and two rear elevation windows at ground and first floor level, The Old Stream House, Quomp, Mrs Payne.


Totton and Eling

Single-storey rear extension, fenestration alterations including rooflights (prior approval application), 12 Stanley Road, Mr Harvey.


Hythe and Dibden

The installation of 256 roof mounted solar PV panels of total installed capacity 110.08Wp (prior approval application), Applemore Health and Leisure Centre, Claypits Lane, Dibden, Brown.


Lymington and Pennington

Use of land as residential curtilage and utility room and gym in association with dwelling subject to lawful development certificate 23/10781 (lawful use certificate for retaining an existing use or operation), Little Ramley Farm, 115 Ramley Road, Pennington, Mr and Mrs Archer.

New access onto Northover Road with removal of fence panels and placement of shingle to facilitate new driveway (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Penn Cottage, 103 Ramley Road, Pennington, Mr Mabey.

Amend roof structure from hip ended to gable ended to facilitate the installation of photovoltaic panels to the front south facing elevation and to assist insulating the roof (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), the Nest, St Marks Road, Pennington, Mr Laslett.



Installation of fibre optic cable to provide full fibre broadband services (prior approval application), Areas of land in and around Kingston Common, Wessex Internet Ltd.


Installation of fibre optic cable to provide full fibre broadband services (prior approval application), Areas of land in and around Kingston Common, Wessex Internet Ltd.


Lymington and Pennington

Garden building, The Old Masters, East Hill, Mr and Mrs Amis.

• Find out about planning applications that affect you at https://publicnoticeportal.uk

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