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Latest New Forest District Council planning applications and decisions


THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 27th December 2024:


Two-storey front and side extension, single-storey extension to front and side, new porch, 6 Fox Field, Everton, Mr Chew.

Hythe and Dibden

Replacement of rear windows, 42 Tates Road, Mr Dixon.

Lymington and Pennington

Two-storey side extension, single-storey side extension, new dormer windows, new glazing and obscured glazing, timber cladding, landscaping, woodburner flue, new ramped access, 1 Lockerley Close, Mr and Mrs Townsend.

Demolition of existing chalet bungalow and garages, replacement with four-bedroom house with integral garage, 25 Daniells Walk, Mr and Mrs Punton.

Proposed replacement dwelling (demolish existing), 37 Stanley Road, Mr and Mrs Hirst.

Internal alterations to create separate access to rear of property (application for listed building consent), 100 High Street, Mr Moghadam.

Single-storey side and rear extension, 39 Pennington Oval, Pennington, Mr Stickley.

Detached outbuilding for use as garage, 18 Daniells Walk, Mr and Mrs Pennock.


Replacement of all windows on even numbered houses 2-38 with double glazed UPVC, design to match existing, Even Houses 2-38, Ordnance Way, Sovereign N.

Reserved matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (pursuant to outline permission 22/10449) for the development of 150 residential dwellings, SS3 Land at Corks Farm, Normandy Way, Hampshire Homes Limited.


Installation of supporting poles and netting in garden to provide wind protection, The Croft, Gillingham Road, Mr Kirkwood.

New Milton

Single-storey rear extension, 5 Gorsefield Road, Ashley, Mr and Mrs Newman.

Erection of nine dwellings units, including bin and cycle stores, new accesses, parking, and extension of the residential curtilage of existing residential property, demolition of existing commercial buildings, Land off Manor Farm Close, Christchurch Road, Hoburne Development Company Limited.

Variation of condition 2 of application 24/10653 to allow changes to position and size of approved extension and alterations, 11 Avenue Road, Mrs Phillips.

Front and side extension, 12 High Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr Maple.


Erection of screening chimney (retrospective), 9 Meeting House Lane, Masala.

Part-demolition, refurbishment, alteration and change of use of 2 Market Place to create commercial floorspace (use class E) and 11 residential dwellings (use class C3), demolition of car wash building and erection of one residential dwelling, provision of associated landscaping, car and cycle parking spaces and associated works, 2 Market Place, Halo Developments (UK) Ltd.

Rear extension at ground and first floor level, Carlisle House, 118 Northfield Road, Mr and Mrs Taylor.

Remediation works to parapet wall on the rear extension (application for listed building consent), Bridge House, 21 West Street, KAMM Group.

Install wooden gates to vehicular access (application for listed building consent), Bridge House, 21 West Street, KAMM Group.


New agricultural building (barn) for a machinery store (prior approval application), Mists Farm, Rockbourne Road, Sandleheath, Mists Farm.

Totton and Eling

Replacement dormer to create new bedroom and en suite, 91 Downs Park Avenue, Eling, Mr and Mrs Lea.

Single-storey rear extension, 12 Stirling Crescent, Mr Raffey.

Alterations to existing conservatory, 10 Ashwood Gardens, Mr Heiden.



Lymington and Pennington

Replacement single-storey centre cafe and kitchen with solar panels on roof, demolition of existing (application for listed building consent), Lymington Community Centre, 18 New Street, The Lymington Community Association.

Fenestration alterations to dwelling, replacement outbuilding, Bridge Cottage, Bridge Road, Ms Rothwell.

Single-storey rear extension, front porch, rear dormer with cladding to front dormers, changes to fenestration, materials and roof, 4 De Mowbray Way, Mr and Mrs Ansell.


Demolition of existing garage and erect new detached dwelling with associated parking, Land adjacent to 15 Lucerne Road, Mr and Mrs Milner.

Netley Marsh

Reserved matters application for the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 269 dwellings, associated and ancillary infrastructure, foul pumping station, play spaces, and sustainable drainage systems pursuant to outline planning permission 20/10997, Land north of Salisbury Road, Calmore, Bloor Homes Limited and The Trustees of Barker-Mill Hillyfields Trust.

New Milton

Construct overflow car park on the lower playing field, Ballard School, Fernhill Lane, Ballard School Ltd.

Rear single-storey extension, front dormer window, 8 East Close, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Bowersbank.

Remove existing single-storey rear extension and covered seating area and construct a two-storey rear extension, remove existing garage and construct a new garage with covered seating area, construct a single-storey open porch, 5 Grove Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Murnaghan.

Front dormer and raised roof ridge to facilitate creation of first floor, fenestration alterations, 4 Mitchell Close, Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Lindsey-Colley.


Proposed single-storey extension at rear, removal of existing conservatory, 18 North Poulner Road, Mr and Mrs Molland.

Construction of glazed roof outbuilding to rear of property and extension to side store to front and rear of site, carport to the rear, 264 Christchurch Road, Mr Steenkamp.

Totton and Eling

Two-storey flat roofed rear extension and tiled side extension, 67 Rushington Lane, Mr Macleod.

Flat roof rear extension and rooflight, 16 Warwick Road, Elliott.


New Milton

Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 50 Kennard Road, Mr Lawson.


Totton and Eling

Installation of six electrical upstands for recharging vehicles (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Car Park, Totton Retail Park, 62-69 Commercial Road, InstaVolt.


Lymington and Pennington

Extension to breakfast room and terrace, 8 Highfield, Mr Godfrey.


Agricultural pole barn (retrospective), Springbourne Farm, Mr and Mrs Coles.

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