Latest New Forest District Council planning applications and decisions
THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 14th March 2025.
Single-storey front extension, first floor side extension and roof alterations in association with new first floor including rooflights and dormer, Little Acre, 8 Dark Lane, Blackfield, Mr and Mrs Miller-Harris.
Hythe and Dibden
Porch, single-storey rear extension and roof alterations including dormer and rooflights to facilitate first floor extension, 19 Wellington Close, Dibden Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Leat.
Lymington and Pennington
Two-storey rear extension, 39 Tithe Barn, Ms Carswell.
Enlargement of front porch, addition of shed to side of property, access alterations, new front boundary wall and fence, 54 Highfield Road, Pennington, Mr and Mrs Duffy.
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 24/11015 (for a replacement dwelling) to allow alterations to materials, additional rooflights and amendments to the garage design so as to provide additional attic floor space, Wynstay, Ridgeway Lane, Mr Green.
Water treatment plant to serve welfare, health and safety and farm office caravan, Bumbleberry Field, Martin Road, Mr and Mrs Farrar.
Solar panels to sports pavilion roof, Milford Recreation Ground, Barnes Lane, Milford-on-Sea Parish Council.
New Milton
Rear and side two-storey extension, roof alterations, demolition of garage, 138 Manor Road, Ashley, Mrs Bateman.
Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 8 Kennard Road, Tapsell.
Removal of six existing antennas to be replaced with three new antennas and other associated ancillary works including the installation of one new GPS node, Water Tower, 16 Osborne Road, Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited.
Reinstatement of the servants’ staircase from ground to first floor, enlargement of existing opening between kitchen and dining room (application for listed building consent), Manor House, Southampton Road, Mr and Mrs Brocklebank.
Roof extension including raising the ridge, front and rear gables and side dormer to facilitate creation of first floor, single-storey extension to form porch, 18 Highfield Avenue, Ms Woodrow.
Change of use of garden room to be used as sole trader dog grooming salon, Eden, Christchurch Road, Kingston, Miss Dolamore.
Rear ground floor extension, replacement of existing extension roof to create one new roof structure, replacement bay window to existing extension, 1 The Cloisters, Evans.
Totton and Eling
Demolish existing garage, proposed new garage, 30 Hamtun Gardens, Mrs Coats.
Single-storey side / rear extension and convert garage to habitable accommodation (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 12 The Dorrits, Mr and Mrs Perris.
Creation of new wheelchair access and covered wheelchair porch to existing dwelling, Twin Oaks, Lower Daggons Lane, Lower Daggons, Miss Haskell.
Hythe and Dibden
Proposed detached garage, Cornerstones, Lime Walk, Dibden Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Orme.
Lymington and Pennington
Single-storey extensions to side and rear (demolish existing timber framed structure to side), additional roof mounted equipment, external alterations including raising of parapet wall, White Hart, 17 Milford Road, Heartwood Collection Ltd.
Change of use of first floor offices to two self-contained flats, fenestration alterations, 35 High Street, Todd Doors Ltd.
Change of use of first floor offices to two self-contained flats, fenestration alterations, repairs to staircase and new balustrade at second floor, internal bin store at ground floor (application for listed building consent), 35 High Street, Todd Doors Ltd.
Rear ground floor extension, extension of porch roof, new windows, 68 Vitre Gardens, Ashton.
Veolia Environmental Services, Integra South West Energy Recovery Facility, Oceanic Way, Marchwood Industrial Park, Veolia ES Hampshire Ltd.
Like-for-like wall replacement using original salvaged bricks where possible, West House, Martin Road, Mr Bull.
Side and rear extensions, new roof in association with formation of first floor accommodation, 37 Knowland Drive, Mr and Mrs Wills.
Proposed single-storey rear extension, conversion of existing garage, new cladding to principal elevation, 31 Grebe Close, Ms Lloyd.
Single-storey annexe with pitched roof and solar panels to house relatives, Southfields, 20 Fernhill Road, Mr Thorn.
Replace existing glazed metal-framed conservatory roof and conservatory rooflight with double glazing and uPVC framing, Quaker Court, Eynon Mews, Sovereign Network Group.
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 24/10644 to allow fenestration changes to the side dormer, Sylvio, 3 Redwood Close, Golden.
Two-storey front extension, 8 Linnet Close, Hightown, Mr and Mrs Gibson.
The installation of four rows of solar array panels, battery and transformer structures, access, Court Farm, Ringwood Road, Avon, Avon Tyrrell Estate.
Replacement of windows and door, 2 Court Close, Calmore, Mrs Gates.
Totton and Eling
First floor extension and rooflight, 5 Elliot Close, Mr and Mrs Gillett.
Demolition of dilapidated barns, sheds, outbuildings and a greenhouse (demolition prior notification), Allenbrook Nursing Home, 34 Station Road, Cala Homes Ltd.
Totton and Eling
Existing lodge / mobile home situated in the garden (lawful use certificate for retaining an existing use or operation), 54 Downs Park Avenue, Eling, Mrs Cooke-Willing.
Commercial storage yard (lawful use certificate for retaining an existing use or operation), Oak House, Milford Road, Mr Cross.
New Milton
Erect two four-bedroom houses with parking, demolish existing, 19 Marine Drive, Barton-on-Sea, Azalea Developments (Protea) Ltd.
Single-storey detached Ecohome dwelling, carport, Laurel Cottage, 231 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, FC Developments Limited.
Change of use of barn from agricultural to workshop and storage, Hordle Manor Farm, Cliff Road, Cobbcows Ltd.