Latest New Forest District Council planning applications and decisions
THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 21st March 2025.
New flat roof dormer with timber cladding, Oak View, Poplar Close, Mr and Mrs Eldridge.
Construction of detached garage building, Yeovilton Place, 24 Old Christchurch Road, Everton, Mr Hannen.
Hythe and Dibden
First floor side extension, new tiled pitched roof to existing garage and porch, fenestration alteration (amendment to planning permission 24/10544), 47 Whittington Close, Mr and Mrs Odell.
Lymington and Pennington
Erection of part two-storey and part single-storey side and rear extension, erection of garden room outbuilding, 8 Burrard Grove, Mr and Mrs Sutton.
Rear extension, 44 Tithe Barn, Mrs Gregory.
Single-storey rear extension (retrospective), Yeldir, Pooks Green, Mr Ware.
Single-storey rear and side extension, 17 Lichen Way, Mr and Mrs Wheeler.
Single-storey infill extension, 3 Lichen Way, Mr and Mrs Penney.
New Milton
Demolition of existing house and annexe and replace with two detached houses with parking and cycle storage, new dropped kerb, Stretton, 26 Avenue Road, Robert Govier Building and Roofing Ltd.
Single-storey rear extension, 77 Manor Road, Mr Green.
Single-storey rear extension, 4 Cliffe Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Sargeant.
Demolition of existing conservatory, single-storey rear extension, addition of rooflights and alterations to fenestration, Mulberry House, 7 Moorland Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, Mrs Owen.
Single-storey rear extension, 37 Velvet Lawn Road, Mr and Mrs Newton.
Erect a rear extension, remove roof and replace with new roof consisting of new gables on the front and rear elevation, new dormer on the southern elevation containing habitable accommodation at first floor, Rycroft, Crow Lane, Crow, Mr and Ms Norcott and Pilley.
Demolition and replacement of grounds maintenance building with access from Carvers Lane, together with associated hardstanding and perimeter fencing, Carvers Recreation Ground, Southampton Road, Ringwood Town Council.
Single-storey rear extension, roof alterations including raising height, a rooflight and dormer windows to facilitate creation of first floor, detached garage to replace existing shed, 30 Seymour Road, Mr Virtudes.
Change of use of agricultural barns to a single dwelling with ancillary buildings, repairs to the listed granary (barn B) and a new extension (barn A), landscaping and a revised drainage system, Middle Ripley Farm, North Ripley Road, Ripley, Bransgore, Avon Tyrrell Farms.
Single-storey side extension, removal of existing shed and greenhouse, 13 Marryat Way, Bransgore, Dr King.
Totton and Eling
Roof extension with dormer and two rooflights to facilitate creation of second floor, 42 Salisbury Road, Mr and Mrs Motherwell.
Single-storey rear and side extensions (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Rose Dene, 209 Testwood Lane, Mr Larsen.
Proposed single-storey extensions, conversion of integral garage to living accommodation with fenestration alterations, 25 Pear Tree Close, Mr and Ms Pennells and Mason.
Proposed garden room, Vicarage Moor Cottage, The Common, South End, Mr and Mrs Snowdon-Darling.
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 22/11140 to allow change in design, including dwellings being closer together, and the addition of a flat porch over the front doors and bin and cycle storage details, Land rear of Waltons Avenue, Hobury, Mr Vass.
Construction of single-storey extension to rear of property, new rear door and window, skylight, 31 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, Mr Gladstone.
Erection of one dwelling, Land adjacent Khandala, Salisbury Road, Burgate, Mr Wriggley.
Single-storey rear extension, White Shires, East Lane, Everton, Mr and Mrs Bell.
Hythe and Dibden
Solar PV to existing garage, replacement garage doors, EV charger, 2 Home Farm Close, Mr Ide.
Lymington and Pennington
The proposed installation and operation of ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) array with associated infrastructure and biodiversity enhancement, Pennington Waste Water Treatment Works, Milford Road, Pennington, Southern Water Services Limited.
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 23/10282 to allow fenestration alterations, material alterations, full balconies above main entrance changed to Juliet, path and pedestrian gate to south-east and roof and layout alterations, Former Police Station, Southampton Road, Churchill Living Ltd.
Proposed replacement dwelling (demolish existing), 37 Stanley Road, Mr and Mrs Hirst.
Two-storey and single-storey extensions, demolish two outbuildings, roof and porch alterations, replace dormer windows, 12 Bitterne Way, Mr and Mrs Hine.
Side extension, Kingfisher House, 2 Lawn Road, Pennington, Mr Laurent.
Porch and external alterations to existing garage associated with its conversion into carer accommodation, Knowle View, Martin Road, Mr Robinson.
Netley Marsh
Single-storey rear extension with associated terrace area, steps and handrails, Wade Hill House, Hill Street, Calmore, Mr Green.
Demolish the existing pair of semi-detached houses and erect two pairs of semi-detached houses (four total) with associated access and parking, including detached garage four Unit 4, Site of 41 and 43 Manor Road, Balson Properties Ltd.
Totton and Eling
Two-storey rear and side extensions, single-storey side extension, re-roof, render to all elevations and replace windows, 37 Culford Avenue, Mr and Mrs Greenwood.
New Milton
Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 8 Kennard Road, Mr Tapsell.
Double-sided sign mounted on two poles with reflective text (application for advertisement consent) (retrospective), Walcot House, Blackfield Road, Mr Elliott.
Use of existing ancillary accommodation as an independent dwelling with associated car parking, highways works and ancillary infrastructure, Threeways Cottage, Mr and Mrs Branagan.
Hythe and Dibden
Advertising stack sign (application for advertisement consent), Hythe Health Centre and Hospital, Beaulieu Road, New Forest District Council.