Latest BCP Council planning applications and decisions for Christchurch
The following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending Friday 17th January 2025.
Single-storey rear extension following removal of conservatory, 54 Edward Road, Burton.
Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection on replacement dwelling, home office and shed, 11B Dudmoor Farm Road.
Application to formalise the implementation of PV panels to a class C3 dwelling house, 102 Hurn Road.
Loft conversion with side and rear dormer windows, 58 Canberra Road.
Installation of two antennas on existing mixed use 30m lattice telecoms mast for small scale digital audio broadcasting (SSDAB) community radio to enable local community radio stations to broadcast to Bournemouth area on DAB, a digital radio platform, Telecommunications Site, St Catherines Hill Lane.
Development of the site to provide 9 residential properties, Land at Jesmond Avenue, Jesmond Avenue, Highcliffe.
Rear and side extension and enlargement of roof to provide first floor habitable accommodation, 18 Wellington Avenue, Mudeford.
Non-material amendment to planning application 8/23/0788/HOU omission of proposed window to first floor side (east) elevation, Harbour House, 1 Hamilton Close, Mudeford.
Extension to ground floor and additional first floor, 5 Wellington Avenue, Mudeford.
Two-storey side and single-storey rear extension, 12 Woodruff Close, Mudeford.
Building of lean-to partially replacing previously demolished lean-to, 18 Stanpit.
Variation of condition 2 of planning consent 8/24/0540/HOU - amended plans to reduce size of ground floor side and rear extensions (amended description), 55 Scotts Hill Lane.
Roof extension, internal remodelling and demolition of existing conservatory, 3 Darwin Avenue.
Erection of first floor front extension and erection of carport to side of property, 54 Walkford Road, Highcliffe.
Rear side single-storey flat roof extension with false pitched roof and low level roof light to create laundry room, to include internal alterations and new high level window to side elevation serving the existing study / office. All materials to match existing, 114 Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe.
Single-storey ground floor extensions and replacement garage, 2 Cranemoor Close, Highcliffe.
Single-storey rear extension with parapet, 30 Pauntley Road, Mudeford.
Refurbish side canopy, solid rear wall and windows, The Beach Hut Cafe, Cliff Drive, Mudeford.
Demolition of garage, single-storey extension, bin store and associated soft landscaping works, removal of Juliet balcony, ground floor window alterations to the south-east range including new bay and reopening blocked window (amended description), Verno House South, Mudeford.
Proposed garden room to rear garden, 1 Whitehall.
Two-storey side extension to provide annexe, single-storey rear extension and dormer windows to provide first floor accommodation, 4 Dunedin Grove, Mudeford.