Learn secrets behind Winchester Cathedral graffiti at New Forest centre
AN academic will lift the lid on the secret messages hidden in graffiti at Winchester Cathedral during a talk at Fordingbridge Town Hall.
Sponsored by the Fordingbridge Museum, Dr Cindy Wood will deliver the educational sessions from 7.30pm on Friday 4th April.
Dr Wood, a senior history lecturer at Winchester University who has made a special study of the graffiti inside the cathedral, is an expert in decoding the secret language of these marks.
Museum manager Jane Ireland said: “If people scratched graffiti on church walls today it would be regarded as sacrilege, but in medieval times it seemed to be condoned by the church authorities.
“The marks reflect what was going on in the minds of ordinary people at the time, giving us a fascinating window into their world.”
Tickets are available from Tina at Timothys in Fordingbridge High Street, and from ticketsource.co.uk