Letter: Lax mask enforcement on the buses
SIR — I thought face masks had to be worn on buses. Well, if this week of 13th July is anything to go by some people don’t care.
A couple got on the bus, the man kept coughing really badly and wiping his brow. When I got off the bus both of them had their face masks around their chins. If he was that bad he should not have been on the bus.
On Saturday, the next time I was on the bus, the driver let on four men. He didn’t ask them if they had masks so they were not bothered about the rules.
Then another man got on. The driver did ask him if he had a mask – he said no but was still allowed on. The driver is putting his own life at risk as well as other people’s.
I felt very annoyed about this as I now don’t feel comfortable about using the bus again.
Heather Miller,
Address supplied