Letters: 'Treated disgracefully' – readers react to Julian Lewis being kicked out of Tories
SIR – Having stood against Julian Lewis in the last two general elections, I obviously disagree with his policies.
However, I believe that he has been treated disgracefully by the Tory Party.
As MP for this constituency (New Forest East) for more than 22 years, he deserves to have been treated with respect.
There is no doubt that with his experience, including a PhD in military history and chairing of the defence committee, he is far more qualified to take on the role of chair of the intelligence committee than Christopher Grayling.
His sacking from the Conservative Party and, consequently, his now holding the position of chair of the intelligence committee as an Independent MP, will hopefully, now result in the long-awaited publication of the Russia report – investigating any influence by other countries in both the referendum of 2016 and the general election of 2017.
His treatment also exposes the lack of democracy in the Tory Party. I have no doubt, that the decision to dismiss him was made by the unelected and autocratic puppet master.
It will be interesting to see what will happen next.
Julie Hope,
SIR – Hats off to Julian Lewis for making a stand and putting country before party.
It is refreshing to see that principle can still prevail over the shady and unaccountable machinations of the mediocrities who currently infest Downing Street.
Chris Elliott,
SIR – As a former speaker secretary for the New Forest (East) Probus Club, I invited Dr Julian Lewis to come and speak to us.
As a former chairman of the defence select committee, he gave a very enlightening account of how a select committee is formed, and how the chairman is chosen for a period of five years.
He was very clear that the select committee is chosen on a non-party-political basis with the majority members going to the serving government.
The chairman is chosen by secret ballot as would have been the case for his new position.
The chairman cannot be appointed or replaced by the serving Prime Minister, and as Dr Lewis is quite prepared to be critical of his government when necessary, he is experienced and has a good understanding of defence matters, which Chris Grayling clearly has not.
Dr Lewis has always responded quickly to letters and telephone messages to his office, and quite rightly does not respond to emails which can be malicious, threatening or downright rude.
He is a very good MP and we should continue to support him.
Henley Howard,
SIR – I am not a natural supporter of our local MP Dr Julian Lewis though I acknowledge he has looked after his constituents well.
I wish to express via your excellent newspaper my admiration of his stand against cronyism and executive interference in our parliamentary democratic processes by thwarting the PM’s preferred candidate for chairmanship of our national intelligence oversight committee.
Our PM does not have a strong attachment to democratic, honest values. His autocratic, spiteful and vengeful character does not bode well for our nation’s wellbeing.
As to Dr Lewis’s loss of the Conservative whip out of spite, I hope it will alert constituents that PM Johnson is not the benign cuddly comedian with Churchillian brilliance that he has nurtured for many years.
Hopefully the electorate will realise they have been had.
Richard Price,