Loss of ferry service a 'sad day for Hythe'
A GROUP set up to help save the historic Hythe pier and railway has called the imminent closure of the ferry "very sad news".
As reported in the A&T, the historic Hythe ferry service – which has run between the village and Southampton since 1887 – will stop on New Year's Eve.
Lee Rayment, managing director of Blue Funnel Cruises Ltd, which saved the service from uncertainty in 2016, said it had been running at an unsustainable loss.
Alan Titheridge of Hythe Pier Heritage Association (HPHA) – which is restoring the pier and railway – told the A&T: "Hythe Pier Heritage Association (HPHA) is very sad to hear the news that the Hythe ferry service will end on New Year’s Eve.
"We sincerely hope that a way can be found to ensure that there is still a future for the historic ferry link between Hythe and Southampton."
He added: "HPHA will continue with all its existing projects. These include the repair and replacement of the train track, the restoration of the 100-year-old train and carriages, and repairs to the pier buildings.
"We will continue to work towards our aim of restoring and redeveloping Hythe Pier, its associated buildings and the unique pier railway for the benefit of the community of Hythe."
Cllr Malcolm Wade, a parish, district and county councillor for Hythe also called the news "a sad day for Hythe".
He told the A&T: "The ferry is Hythe's ferry and the community feels ownership for it. It is also the end of an another alternative to cars on the A326 which will add congestion on that road."
Cllr Wade said he planned to speak to Hampshire County Council to see if anything could be done and added: "I hope someone will look to take it over and keep the historic ferry running."