Memorial bench to honour former Christchurch mayor Sue Bungey is unveiled
A TRIBUTE to former Christchurch mayor Sue Bungey has been unveiled in the form of a memorial bench at the town quay.
Friends, family and local residents gathered at a ceremony to honour Sue’s “remarkable legacy” at the bench which was decorated with ribbons, balloons and daffodils for the occasion.
Current town mayor Cllr Viv Charrett led the ceremony with poignant reflections on Sue’s impactful leadership and unwavering dedication to her beloved Christchurch.
She said: “Sue was a very well-loved member of Christchurch who did a lot for the community in a very calm and dignified way.
“She managed to achieve so much with kindness and generosity, much appreciated in this day and age. This new bench will be a reminder of how fondly she will be remembered in Christchurch.”
Brett Jones from the Mudeford Scouts, and Sarah Roberts, division commissioner for Girl Guides Twynham, also shared personal anecdotes underscoring Sue’s profound influence on the community.
Sue’s daughter, Debbie remembered her mother’s “boundless love for people and her cherished town”.
A spokesperson for Christchurch Town Council said: “The dedication of the Sue Bungey memorial bench stands as a testament to her enduring spirit and the indelible mark she left on the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing her.”