More than £35,000 given to East Boldre community stores and Youth and Family Matters in Totton at Hampshire County Council decision day by leader Rob Humby
MORE than £35,000 in grants have been awarded to two organisations in the New Forest and Totton.
At a Hampshire County Council ‘Decision Day’ meeting, East Boldre community stores was given £25,000 to help repair the former Baptist church in the village for its future use.
A shop, along with spaces for events and workshops, will now be created at the site after the funding was signed off by HCC leader Cllr Rob Humby.
A further £2,600 was awarded to fund a new website for Youth and Family Matters in Totton, which signposts children to charities.
After announcing the grants, Cllr Humby said: “I am delighted to award funding today for these schemes to benefit local communities across Hampshire – particularly as they help support action to tackle climate change and offer life-enriching opportunities.
“It is heartening to know that this support will enable a former chapel to be brought back to life to provide a local community and retail space – reachable on foot or by bike.”
The Leaders Community Grant Fund is open to any organisation wishing to provide community benefit.
The one-off injections of cash, often given alongside other match-funding, are designed to help local organisations become financially self-supporting.