Brockenhurst Young Farmers Club New Year’s Eve 2023 tractor run through the New Forest
HUNDREDS of spectators turned out to line the 20-mile route of a New Year’s Eve tractor run through the New Forest.
Organised by Brockenhurst Young Farmers Club, the event saw 132 tractors and 53 4x4s driving in convoy through the national park. It raised more than £2,500, which will be split between the Farm Safety Foundation and a project to refurbish the youth organisation’s headquarters at Tiptoe.
The parade began at the New Park showground in Brockenhurst before travelling past Balmer Lawn Hotel towards Beaulieu, where hundreds of supporters gathered at Hatchet Pond and the water splash to cheer on the agricultural vehicles.
The parade then continued past Beaulieu’s National Motor Museum, into Lyndhurst and then along the A35 to Holmsley before travelling back to Brockenhurst.
Brockenhurst Young Farmers spokesperson Samantha Gates said: “This is the third year we have organised the tractor run and it was definitely the biggest and best so far.
“It was lovely weather and we were pleased that so many people turned out to see us – it was lovely to see spectators waving from their cars and tooting their horns as we went past.
“It’s always wonderful to have the local community turn out on New Year’s Eve to watch and demonstrate their support for young farmers and the farming community.
“This year we are continuing to support the Farm Safety Foundation and also raising money for our club hall refurbishment. The new kitchen and toilets have been installed but this money will enable us to finish the redecorating and painting of the hall.”
She added: “We chose the Farm Safety Foundation as our charity because many of our members and their families have seen first-hand how easy it is to have a serious incident on a farm and we feel very passionately about the need to educate the next generation of farmers to be safe on farms.
“We would love to thank New Park Farm for kindly allowing us to use their field as a start and finish meeting.”
The Farm Safety Foundation, or Yellow Wellies as it is also known, raises awareness of farm safety and mental wellbeing among farmers aged 16-40.
Through its education programme, research and awareness campaigns such as Farm Safety Week and Mind Your Head, the foundation aims to challenge the risk-taking behaviours that give farming the poorest safety record of any occupation in the UK.
Brockenhurst Young Farmers meet weekly on Wednesday evenings and welcome new members aged 10-28. Three years ago membership had dwindled to the point where the group was facing closure, but it now has 40 to 50 regular members.
Sam added: “We meet in Tiptoe for regular evenings and activities – you don’t even need a pair of wellies to join us, just a love for the outdoors and be eager to learn new things.
“The club has certainly gone from strength to strength in the last couple of years, and it’s wonderful to have so many new members and supporters.
For more information email or contact Sam on 07597 382652.