Fresh Kitchen School cookery course for pre-diabetics run by chef Natasha Beatty in New Milton given £15,000 grant from South Western Railway after 'fantastic' success
A PRESCRIBED cookery course run by chef Natasha Beatty has been so successful it is being funded for another year with a £15,000 grant from South Western Railway.
The results from last year’s classes, which are run in conjunction with Coastal Medical Partnership in New Milton, have been so impressive that more patients will now being given the chance to cook their way to better health.
A delighted Natasha, who runs Fresh Kitchen School, said: “It has been absolutely fantastic.
“People have been able to reverse their prediabetes, lower their blood pressure, come off acid reflux tablets and shed weight.
“Everyone has reported feeling so much healthier at the end of the cookery course and the results show that they really are.
“For myself it has just been so highly rewarding to do this – the community in New Milton has really welcomed me.”
She continued: “What has also been lovely to see is the friendships formed; people carry on meeting up after the course ends, even cooking low carb meals for each other.
“Now that we have this funding I am looking forward to meeting more patients and helping them.”
The students who undertake her four-week course are referred by Coastal Medical Partnership, which is the first GP practice in the UK to offer it as an alternative to medication.
In fun and informal classes, Natasha teaches participants how to cook low carb and healthy dishes.
New Milton Town Council was so impressed by the results it applied to South Western Railway’s Customer and Communities Improvement Fund (CCIF) for further funding so the sessions could continue.
Chiara Rabbito, town development manager, said: “Demand for the classes has been high – the courses increased from one a month to two from November last year.
“Prior to starting the course, their weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and HBA1c was collected. These measurements are taken again after three and six months.
“I have watched a few of the classes and was pleased to hear such positive feedback from the participants.
“One told me, ‘I am sleeping better, have lost weight and my BP has lowered. It’s been life changing and so easy to stick to.’
“Another said: ‘I work nights and there is a tray of sweets at work but I don’t have any cravings so no longer touch them. I am so pleased with how I feel that I am going to try low carb on my holiday to Spain.’”
Chiara said students had also reported their mental wellbeing had improved as a result of taking part in the sessions, and that they had made friends, with whom they had kept in touch.
“The courses are essential to our town and residents, and New Milton Town Council will continue to do all it can to support Coastal Medical Partnership with social prescribing,” she added.