A petition over controversial new restrictions on bus passes for the disabled and elderly has hit 500 signatures in a week.
A signalling problem is expected to cause disruption for rail passengers travelling between Beaulieu Road and Brockenhurst for the rest of the day.
An E-bike rental scheme is set to rolled out in a New Forest town, says the UK’s leading operator.
The Hythe ferry will not resume services unless £250,000 is found for a new pontoon, the owners have confirmed.
Improvements to bus service stops in Christchurch to make them more efficient, safer and easier for wheelchair users are starting in January.
Residents in a New Forest village left isolated by a lack of public transport have staged a walking bus protest.
The future of the historic Hythe ferry remains uncertain after the operator revealed a “significant” investment is needed to repair a damaged pontoon.
Hundreds of spectators are expected to line a 20-mile route of a New Year’s Eve tractor run through the New Forest.
The beauty and diversity of local bird life is celebrated in a new mural at Sway railway station.
A woman who was seriously injured after being thrown of her bike by a hit and run driver is appealing for help catching them.
Police seized an incorrectly assembled electric motorcycle being illegally ridden on a Fordingbridge street by a youngster.
Responding to a petition calling for action over limited bus services in the Waterside, Hampshire County Council has pledged to see what it can do.
An electric vehicle charging hub has opened at a New Milton store.
Railway services serving the Forest and Christchurch will be the first to transfer into public ownership next year, the government announced today.