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From our Files: Christmas tree theft...energy crisis offer...scruffy taxis warning

Reaching 102 has been down to one thing, says Kate Ponting. According to her it’s been the result of a “good sex life! I was always keen on that.”

Kate was given a bouquet by New Milton Town Council chairman Tink Snudden for her birthday.

She was delighted when he put his arm around her for a photo.

Kate was married to Ted Pointing Post Office trainee when they met. The couple moved to Lymington in 1960 where Kate became a member of the Flower Club.

She said apart from sex a daily tot of brandy had also helped her reach a ripe old age.


Two men have been accused of stealing 160 Christmas trees from the New Forest valued at £41 5s.

The spruce trees were the property of the Forestry Commission and were taken from Ramner Enclosure, Brockenhurst, on December 16th.

Two men from London were found to have allegedly stolen them to sell.

A witness saw a lorry parked at the enclosure at 11pm at night.

When he asked one of the men what he was doing he was said to have replied: “It’s alright isn’t it? They are growing wild.”

Two other men were seen to drop some trees and run off

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Turkeys have been in very short supply this year and the sight of rows and rows of them in the butcher’s shop is a thing of the dim past.

Councillor R. Pascoe of Hordle parish council and a prominent member of the Meat Traders Association says that he estimates that in past years local butchers have received about a 1,000 turkeys for sale to their customers.

But that this year he does not put the total above 500. Some have been unfortunate and have not got any, but Mr Pascoe says that he personally knows of someone who got his usual amount of 100.

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Admiral Sir Geoffrey Blake of Brockenhurst whose resignation from the post of Black Rod at the Houses of Lords was announced last week is 66.

According to a dictum of Henry VIII’s by whom the position was established the Gentleman Usher who acts as the traditional link between both Houses of Parliament must be “a gentleman of famous in arms and blood.”

Sir Geoffrey who was educated at Winchester College has had a distinguished Naval career. He entered the Navy in 1897, served during both wars and earned a number of awards including the D.S.O at Jutland.


A proposal to build over 400 homes in Burton is causing more concerns than anything else that has ever happened in the village, chairman of the parish council Mr G Staynings said.

Mrs M Crashaw said a woman was nearly in tears because she understood access would have to be over her land.

The clerk made it clear that the application was only an outline one saying: “It really is the basis for discussion.”

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A Lymington restaurant is offering customers ‘Good food at lower prices’ to help during the energy crisis which will help them “save light and heat at home.”

Maitre D’hôtel Rudofolo Boldrini and head waiter of The Slipway Restaurant Delio Lazzeri will be offering spaghetti Bolognese at 65p with a glass of wine for 25p.

Total for the meal is 95p plus VAT and 12p cover charge. French bread is free.

They said the offer will “enable customers to enjoy themselves more often in this difficult time.”

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A telegram to Prime Minister Edward Heath saying: “We know you are the man to save Britain’s future from the political and economic wreckers” has been sent by New Forest Conservative Association.

They added: “We shall support you to the hilt now and in the coming year.”


From Our Files week 52, 25 years ago: Reaching 102 has been down to one thing, says Kate Ponting. According to her it’s been the result of a “good sex life! I was always keen on that.” Kate was given a bouquet by New Milton Town Council chairman Tink Snudden for her birthday. She was delighted when he put his arm around her for a photo. Kate was married to Ted Pointing Post Office trainee when they met. The couple moved to Lymington in 1960 where Kate became a member of the Flower Club. She said apart from sex a daily tot of brandy had also helped her reach a ripe old age.
From Our Files week 52, 25 years ago: Reaching 102 has been down to one thing, says Kate Ponting. According to her it’s been the result of a “good sex life! I was always keen on that.” Kate was given a bouquet by New Milton Town Council chairman Tink Snudden for her birthday. She was delighted when he put his arm around her for a photo. Kate was married to Ted Pointing Post Office trainee when they met. The couple moved to Lymington in 1960 where Kate became a member of the Flower Club. She said apart from sex a daily tot of brandy had also helped her reach a ripe old age.

Scruffy taxi drivers are to be warned they are in danger of not having their licences renewed Christchurch Borough Council have said.

The issue was raised at the authority’s Finance and General Purposes Committee by Deputy Mayor Cllr Colin Bungey.

He said he had become “increasingly concerned” that taxi drivers were not conforming to the council’s dress code.

Cllr Bungey said: “Their general appearance leaves a lot to be desired, I’ve seen a lot with long and dirty hair.

“When they pick up tourists it doesn’t make a good first impression.”

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Another oil drilling rig is to be built by Elf Exploration off the coast of Hengistbury Head.

The company is planning to drill down 2,000 metres. New Forest District Council has agreed to the project going ahead.

The rig will be in operation for nine weeks and will be visible in clear weather from several parts of the coastline.

The last oil rig erected by the company in the Solent found no oil.

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A plaque has been unveiled in Christchurch to mark the site where pioneering military satellite communication work took place in the 1960s and 1970s.

The plaque on the cliff top at Friars Cliff is at the spot where radomes which resembled golf ball like structures once dominated the landscape and could be seen for miles around.

Guest of honour at the ceremony were the 26 former staff of the Signals Research and Development Establishment SRDE.

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