A charity which helps disabled bike riders enjoy the New Forest has been awarded over £380,000 from the National Lottery Community Fund
A thriving butchery business in Bramshaw has opened a new farm shop complete with takeaway and an outside seating area.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago
Two large Victorian homes in Highcliffe’s high street could be demolished to make way for 11 affordable apartments.
A day of cider drinking, fun and music will be on offer at one of the New Forest’s most avidly anticipated events.
A primary school has been praised by Ofsted inspectors for creating a “real sense of community”.
A Christchurch pensioner posted a warning note on her front door before taking her own life, an inquest has heard.
The head teacher of a secondary school at the centre of a row over a new skirt has said the decision was down to feedback over the current uniform.
Repairs to the Long Groyne at Hengistbury Head – which plays a “critical role” in reducing coastal flooding and erosion – will start next month.
Furious parents have lashed out at a secondary school over “tone deaf” plans for a new skirt costing up to £45.
Residents of Highcliffe and Walkford are invited to attend a special meeting where the new Local Plan will be discussed.
Beautiful spring flowers brought a touch of colourful brightness to Sway Village Hall at the weekend.
A Christchurch man whose wife has been diagnosed with cancer is undertaking a sponsored slimathon to raise money for a cancer care charity.
A New Forest charity which rescues orphaned orangutans has been left an “incredible” gift of £50,000 by late TV star Paul O’Grady.
A top TV chef will be hosting a healthy cooking session at the opening of a specialist autism school’s sixth form.
Christchurch’s former town hall has been officially reopened after a “meticulous” restoration.
Repair work to a bridge on a major route into Christchurch will see it closed at night this week.
Local children’s author Simon Chadwick has thrown his backing behind Brockenhurst C of E Primary School’s campaign aimed at saving libraries.
A section of the Avon River has been shortlisted to be considered an official bathing water.
Nearly all children in Hampshire and the BCP area have been offered their first choice of secondary school for September.