More than 15,000 animals were rehomed by the RSPCA in Hampshire over the past decade, the charity has revealed.
Plans to demolish part of a former church and build five houses in its courtyard have been refused over concerns it would destroy a “little oasis”.
A remarkable collection later this year will shine a light on 600 years of the New Forest’s Gypsies.
At least £4 million is needed to rejuvenate the Hengistbury Head Outdoor Education Centre and bring it back to public use.
The mayor of Christchurch has defended the town council hiking its tax precept by 53%, saying it equates to a rise of around 47p per week.
A young female footballer’s sporting dreams have been given a massive boost thanks to local charity Olivia Inspires.
Police patrols will be stepped up in Sway in an effort to tackle a gang of teenagers “terrorising” residents.
Lonely victims of romance scammers are refusing to end contact despite police warnings because they have no one else to talk to, an officer revealed.
An appeal against the refusal of plans to turn a village bakery into flats has been thrown out.
What was making the headlines in the A&T 25 and 50 years ago.
A children’s nursery with branches in Christchurch and the New Forest is introducing deer to its menu to help with a culling of the animals.
Highcliffe residents are claiming “victory” after developer withdraws his appeal over Jesmond Wood.
Christchurch’s iconic former town hall is set for a huge restoration project.
A woman who spent over £600 on her Christmas shop in Waitrose was stunned to receive a £70 parking fine.
When a few friends decided to establish a yacht club in Marchwood they hoped it would be popular.
The owner of a new Highcliffe cafe hopes to create a “little hub for people with a calm, relaxed atmosphere and good food”.
A speed limit of 30mph on major Highcliffe roads is set to be introduced after concerns over speeding and road safety.
A woman who drove through a pothole which caused £300 of damage to her car watched in horror as at least six other vehicles then fell victim to it.
A man’s bid to buy his parents’ farm can go ahead despite accusations of improper conduct involving a stuffed fish.
Threats have been made to New Forest environmental campaigner Chris Packham and his family.