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From Our Files: Robot NHS... fir cone crime... PM at the Glen... gravel battle


THE great esteem in which the late Miss Barbara Jill Sparks was held was shown by the large and representative congregation at Sway Parish Church.

As reported in our last issue, Miss Sparks died in Lymington Hospital the previous Sunday, following an operation, at the very early age of 20 years. She was a very popular member of the Brockenhurst and District Young Farmers Club.

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Soldiers freed Stretzke by digging him from under the vehicle
Soldiers freed Stretzke by digging him from under the vehicle

Bruno Stretzke, a German prisoner-of-war employed by No 16 Bomb Disposal Squad which has been clearing mines from Becton Bunny, had a miraculous escape when the Bren gun carrier he was driving ran over the top of the cliff and capsized, trapping him underneath.

Soldiers working with Stretzke managed to free him by digging him from under the vehicle and were amazed to find him uninjured. It was the same Bren gun carrier which a week ago ran over Sapper A. Organ, who is now in Lymington Hospital on the danger list.

He is suffering from a broken pelvis and punctured bladder.

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A DOCTOR’S skit on a robot medical health service under State insurance caused much amusement at a Southern Insurance Committee.

It was given in a letter replying to a complaint made by a patient, in the course of which the doctor said that if he resigned his patients would not miss him.

He added: “They could be served far more easily by going along to a chromium-plated slot machine – a robot doctor – which could be erected at every street corner.”


“THERE is no discipline on this train, either by the railway or the school,” protested the father of one of four boys who were before Lymington Juvenile Court for disorderly behaviour on a train between Hinton Admiral and Sway.

“There won’t be anything done on the train until someone is killed,” the father declared.

The four had admitted the offence, but two of them, both aged 11 years, said they had not thrown any fir cones from the carriage window.

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MR Edward Heath, the Prime Minister, was photographed outside the Chewton Glen Hotel, New Milton, where he stayed on Saturday night after landing at Hurn from America.

He later addressed the Young Conservative Conference at Bournemouth before returning to the Chewton Glen. Later he went to see his new yacht which is being built for him on the Isle of Wight.

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THE redevelopment planned for Mudeford quay, including a new hotel, new boat slipways and a holiday amenity area called for by the local Beach Committee, has brought an adverse reaction from local residents.

A call has been made to Mr John Cordle, MP for Bournemouth East and Christchurch, to press the Government to hold a public inquiry into the proposed development.


THE biggest public inquiry ever held in Christchurch begins next Tuesday when 4,000 objections to the first borough-wide plan will be heard in front of a Government planning inspector.

“The number of objections indicates the strength of local interest and concern about local planning matters in such an environmentally sensitive borough as Christchurch – it doesn’t necessarily indicate that we’ve got it wrong,” said council chief executive Mike Turvey.

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A TEMPORARY permission for the marine pollution treatment facility at the Marchwood Industrial Estate can be made permanent, Hampshire county councillors have agreed.

The facility, on the former power station site, handles oil, liquid and other wastes, mainly from shipping using Southampton docks.

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SWAY residents’ complaints concerning gravel extraction at Mount Pleasant Quarry, on the eastern side of Pitmore Lane, have resulted in stern action by Hampshire County Council against the contractors, Hall Aggressive (South Coast) Ltd.

The residents had told of excessive dust throughout the summer, spoil left on the highway, and early-morning starts to operations.

The county has taken enforcement action to halt extraction until the company complies with planning conditions.

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